Inspire Informed Action
Gathering and sharing data to get the word of God into the hands of every person
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ProgressBible brings together data that is vast and complex and makes sense of it
We aim to be . . .

Our products are easy to understand and fitting for the problem that our partners are trying to solve.

Operationally Resiliant
We remove black boxes and future-proof our technology so that we can have business continuity.

We have a voice among BT leaders to help them make informed decisions.

Create anticipation in the global Church about BT and Scripture use through publication or presentation of insights.
Did you know there are about 1,200 languages that have zero access to Scripture?
Partner Highlight
Missio Nexus
Missio Nexus is an association catalyzing relationships, ideas, and collaboration within the Great Commission community. Missio Nexus seeks to contribute value to its members through five distinct but related channels: Relationships, Shared Learning, Ideas and Innovation, Great Commission Advocacy, and Collaborative Action.
Imagine your life if you didn’t know the truth of God’s Word. Didn’t know the unconditional love of Jesus. Didn’t know God’s plan for you. Because it didn’t exist in your language. That’s the grim reality for over one billion people around the world...
Our Partners
ProgressBible’s comprehensive, collaborative and credible information is only made possible by the following partnerships: