Our Vision

People worldwide engaging with God’s Word.

Our Mission

To partner with Great Commission organizations to illuminate the Scripture gap in a way that inspires informed action to meet local language needs.

A group of people holding a globe while praying
8 people around a table collaborating for Bible translation

Our Impact

Empowering Bible translation and Scripture Engagement organizations to make strategic decisions in over a thousand languages and impact 2 billion people.

Our Values

an icon of a handshake


We work with our partners with a heart of humility and service.

an icon of an eye and a magnifying glass


We proactively provide insights and anticipate partner needs.

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We responsibly curate and protect the data in our stewardship.

Our History

In 2015 leaders from ETEN, SIL, Wycliffe Global Alliance, and United Bible Societies birthed the vision for ProgressBible.  In 2016 ProgressBible built its first information service, and in 2017, its first Data Contributor agreement was signed. Since then ProgressBible has partnered with many additional organizations to provide information services with the purpose of informing ministry decision-makers and equipping communicators in the Great Commission.

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Stewarded by SIL

ProgressBible is an SIL managed program with deep collaboration from many other partners.

SIL is a global, faith-based nonprofit that works with local communities around the world to develop language solutions that expand possibilities for a better life.

Learn More About SIL

Our Staff

Christy Liner Avatar Sketch

Christy Liner

Strategic Advisor

“I have fallen in love with Jesus through reading Scripture and I want every person to have that same opportunity to experience Jesus in their own language.” 

Terry Dehart Avatar Sketch

Terry Dehart

Data Analyst

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (ESV) Matthew 24:14"

Vanessa Cowpersmith Avatar Sketch

Vanessa Delgado

Project Manager

"I want every person to know that God values their language and they have direct access to Him. They are fully known and loved just as they are."

Dwayne Emberson Avatar Sketch

Dwayne Emberson

Data Warehouse Specialist

"Translating God’s word is a very technical process, and I am humbled and excited to use my programming skills in the effort to bring His word to all the world.”

Alaine Daniel Avatar

Alain-Daniel Wa-Baguma

Program Director

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” Scripture being the “...sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 3:16, 15

Oliver Dixon Avatar Sketch

Oliver Dixon

Data Scientist

“Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” I am honored and excited to be involved in work that promotes access to the story of God’s love in Christ and how this leads to human flourishing in all aspects of life.” 

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Lexy Ennis

Partnership Communications Specialist

"My life has been transformed through hearing, reading, and studying Scripture. I believe everyone deserves to encounter the Word of God in the language they value the most."